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Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Florida Remodeling Company

Remodeling your home in Alachua County is no small task, and choosing the company to come alongside you in this endeavor is similar to committing to a long-term relationship.

Not only will you be spending several weeks or months working with your remodeling contractor to develop a design for your custom improvement project, but they also will be responsible for executing the plans and overseeing the crew while they’re working inside your home in Gainesville or the surrounding area. It’s important to find a remodeling company that is reliable, trustworthy, and capable of capturing your vision and answering all of your questions, as well as creating a space that you can stay in for years.


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What to Ask a Contractor When Remodeling in Gainesville

Whenever you hire a new company for a major project, there’s a bit of uncertainty and risk involved. It’s impossible to fully know how they will perform and whether you will have a positive experience. However, there are steps you can take when looking for a remodeling contractor in Alachua County to properly vet your options and narrow down the field. It helps to do a bit of preliminary research on each prospective home remodeler, which involves looking at their website and social media, reading reviews and testimonials, and checking the status of their builders' license with the state. 

Before signing a contract, you should also sit down with the general contractor or project manager from the company you want to hire. During this preliminary consultation, here are some of the questions to ask the contractor for your upcoming remodel in Gainesville:


1. How long have you been in this business?

One of the first questions to ask a builder before hiring them to remodel your Gainesville home is how long they’ve been in business. While you shouldn’t necessarily avoid working with a new company, there’s something to be said for experience and a strong professional reputation. If you are considering a relatively young remodeling firm, find out what experience the team members themselves bring to the table. You also should ask whether the company has operated under a different name, and if so, why the name was changed.


2. Are you licensed, bonded, and insured?

At a minimum, the company you hire for your project should be licensed and insured in the state of Florida. This ensures they are a legitimate remodeling company and provides you with protection if something goes wrong on the job site—i.e. your home. A trustworthy and reputable remodeler will have no issue providing you with proof of insurance and answering any follow-up questions about their coverage.


3. What is your design and construction process?

Each remodeling company takes a different approach to home improvement projects. Ask a contractor you’re considering what their unique process is. Do they oversee both design and construction for custom home remodels (this is called Design-Build)? What does that look like, from start to finish? Can you stay at home during the remodel? At what point in the process will you have a more concrete construction schedule and budget? An established company in Gainesville should have a fine-tuned process for executing custom remodeling projects that leads to measurable success.


4. What is the projected timeline for the remodel?

The timeline for each home remodel in Alachua County will vary, depending on the size and scope of the project. You won’t know for sure how long your renovation will take until the designs are complete and your remodeling company has finished pre-construction tasks and ordered materials. However, they should be able to give you a general idea of the anticipated project timeline and what steps are involved.


5. Will I have a dedicated project manager? Who else is on my team?

Among your contractor questions, make sure to ask who will be overseeing your project and serving as your main point of contact? Typically, you should have a designated project manager, or you may be working with the general contractor directly. Additionally, find out if there will be a dedicated team for your residential renovation in Gainesville. Does the remodeling firm have a wide array of in-house personnel to handle various aspects of the project or do they rely heavily on subcontractors and tradespeople? Do they have a group of regular crew members, or how are these individuals hired?


6. What is the best way to communicate with you?

Strong, consistent communication is an integral part of a successful home remodel in Alachua County. It also influences the type of experience you and your builder will share. During your initial meeting with company representatives, set shared expectations for how you and your project manager will communicate with one another and how often. Do they prefer to speak via phone, email, or at an in-person meeting? Do they use a project management software or portal for project updates? What happens if they go out of town? Are there other individuals to consult with during the design and construction phase? Also, don’t forget to ask the contractor how you can monitor progress once construction is underway.


7. How do we resolve any disagreements?

Disagreements are inevitable when you’re participating in a long, complex project like a home remodel. What’s more important is how you and your remodeler resolve miscommunications or disagreements. This is a topic you should discuss before hiring a contractor. Their answer and attitude will help you determine whether they encourage open and honest communication and are dedicated to collaborating and exploring innovative solutions to solve problems that may arise during the next several months of designing and constructing your home remodel.


How to Find a Good Contractor in Alachua County

These are just a few questions to ask a builder before hiring them to oversee your custom home remodel or bathroom remodel in Alachua County. However, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask a range of additional questions and request clarifications on any relevant topics before you jump into a contract with a company. At Robinson Renovation & Custom Homes, we can provide you with an estimate and details about our design-build process and services so you know what to expect as we collaborate with you on improving your custom home and enhancing your quality of life in Gainesville.